Periodic Meetings
- |SPIN 8th Speech in Noise Workshop
- Omaha NE Marc-Mans 2015
- ASC Aging and Speech Communication, Bloomington IN
- announce (official website ISH-2015) International Symposium on Hearing
- International symposium on Hearing; Every 3 years; 2015 Topic 5: Speech communication with hearing impairment.
- MEMRO The International Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology MEMRO #7
- Northwestern Univ
- MARC-MANS St Louis Midwest Auditory Research Conf
- ASA Acoustical Society of America biannual meetings
- Am Aud Soc American Auditory Society
- IHCON International Hearing Conference (aka ICON) Archives
- MOH Mechanics of Hearing
- ISAAR International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, Denmark
- ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
- IEB Inner Ear Biology
- CIAP Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses
Meetings (Specific)
Dear Jont Allen,
Thank you very much for organizing a Structured Session "T09 SS02: Otoacoustic emissions and cochlear modeling" for the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
We are not asking for an extensive and detailed review. We consider the congress to be a worldwide forum for presenting current scientific results, getting new scientific partners, and discussing general or specific problems related to acoustics, noise, and vibration. Therefore, we recommend accepting all abstracts, which are somehow related to these fields and do not seem to be technically incorrect or advertisements of commercial products. Please follow the following steps.
Log in to the official Congress website with your username and password.
Password: 862448
Click the link "Sessions", at the right of the congress home page, and then click the session title (some reviewers are taking care of more than one session). Then, you will see the abstracts submitted to your session(s). On this page, you are able to arrange the abstracts in the order most suitable for presentation, by clicking on the relevant arrows.
To review an abstract, click the "Details" link on the right. The current status of all abstracts is "Waiting for acceptance". It will be changed after you make the review. Scroll down, please. Choose "I accept the abstract to my session\ if you find the abstract suitable for this particular session.
Choose "I do not accept the abstract to my session" if, in your opinion, the abstract does not fit this session for any reason. In the "Comments to the author" text field, you may write comments, which will be sent to the author. In the "Comments to the Organising Committee\ text field, you may write comments, which will be read by the Organising Committee only.
If you are sure about your decision, click the "Submit" button. Please note that it will not be possible to change your decision. If you return to the "Sessions - Abstract List" you will notice that the numbers of the accepted abstracts appear on the green background. You will not see rejected abstracts anymore.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to change the sessions for an accepted abstract, e.g. if the original session is not running or for some other important reason. The Organising Committee reserves the right to move an abstract that you may reject to a different session.
You do not need to send any messages to the authors. They will be notified automatically with official letters. Please finish reviewing all abstracts by 31 December 2022. We will be grateful if you can do this earlier.
Templates for full paper preparation and online registration forms are available from the official Congress website .
Yours Sincerely,
ICSV29 General Chair
Meetings (Specific)
- |SPIN 8th Speech in Noise Workshop
- MEMRO the 7th International Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology
- MEMRO the 6th International Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology (MEMRO 2012:Middle Ear Bridge between Science and Otology ) Conference, to be held June 27 to July 1 of 2012 at Kyungpook Nationak University, Daegu, South Korea.
- Workshop on speech Intelligibility Jan 5-6, 2012, Cartiff UK
- ISH International Symposium on Hearing, 23-27 July, Cambridge UK; Abstract Deadline Dec 2, 2011
- ASA San Diego Special session on Features; Program for Nov 1, 2011 @7:55 AM: pdf Δ
- Aging and speech communication Oct 10-12, 2011 Bloomington, IN; Registration deadline Sept. 10, 2011
- AASAmerican Auditory Society Annual Meeting March 8-10, 2012 Scottsdale, AZ; Abstract submission deadline Dec 9, 2012
- Partha Niyogi Memorial conference
- Aging and Hearing loss Bloomington IN, Oct 10-12
- CISP IEEE 4th-Int. Cong. on Image and Signal Processing (Oct 15-17, 2011)
- ICASSP Prague, May 22-28 (Registration Feb 1, 2011) IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
- ISAAR Invited presentation (Allen), Aug 24-26, 2011 @ International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, Strand Denmark
- ICASSP 2011 Prague (welcome, dates)
- Mechanics of Hearing 2011 Williamstown MA
- Am Aud Soc; Riya will give Podium presentation, AAS's meeting March 4-6, 2010, Scottsdale AZ
- ASA call for papers Nov 15-19 2010, ASA meeting Cancun Mexico (Abstract deadline June 1, 2010)
- IHCON A target meeting, on the even years (Abst due June 1, 2010) program
- ASA call for papers 19–23 April 2010, ASA Meeting Baltimore, Abstract deadline Nov 16, 2009
- Robust ASR March 8-10, Models for Speech recognition in ‘adverse conditions’
- ICASSP 2010 Dallas TX, March 15-19, 2010
- Interspeech-2009 Sept 6-10; Brighton UK
- ASA meeting San Antonio call for papers June 22, 2009 abstract deadline
- Aging and Speech Communication: IU Oct 12-14 July 15, 2009 abstract deadline
- 4th International Workshop on Detection, Classification and Localization of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics 1st International Workshop on Density Estimation of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics; University of Pavia, Italy September 2009, 10th - 13th
- ASRU-2009 Dec 13-17 2009 Merano Italy; Allen to give invited talk; Allen Talk, login
- WASPAA 2009, Oct 18-21; Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
- MEMRO-09 Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology June 24-28 2009; Allen, Weece, Han
- The ISH | 15th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH) will be held at Hotel Regio, Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca (Spain), from 1th to 5th June, 2009; Feipen Li will attend
- Interspeech 2009 will be held in Brighton, UK, and its theme is Speech and Intelligence. Deadline for paper submission: April 17th 2009
- Congress on sound and vibration Poland
- Am Aud Soc Annual meeting early march Scottsdale (HSR's #1 meeting to attend)
- ICASSP ICASSP 2009 Taipei Taiwin; April 19-24;
- EUSIPCO 2009, Aug 24-28; Glasgow, Scotland. European Signal Processing Conference
- ASA09 Cross-Language workshop Portland OR, May 18-22, 2009;
- ASA 157th meeting Portland OR, May 18-22, 2009
- Chicago meeting of the APCAM 2009 APCAM08
- volunteers needed. Who wants to give a talk?
- International symposium on hearing, Salamanca Spain, June 1-5, 2009; Abstrace Oct 1, 2008
- Deafness Research Foundation, Bethesda, MD; June 12-15 2008
- Conference on Cell Replacement in the Inner Ear
- NHS, Lake Como Tuscany IT; June 19-20
- Too expensive, and not very interesting this year
- ASA Paris, June 30- July 4 2008
- Allen chairs special session on speech features (PP07)
- Mechanics of Hearing, Keele England, July 27-31 2008
- Allen is invited to give a Plenary talk on speech and cochlear processing
- IHCON, Aug 13-17 2008, Granlibakken Conference Center, Lake Tahoe NV
- Very important meeting for our group
- IEEE SLT 2008 The 2d IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, Goa, India, December 15-18, 2008 pdf
Websites of interest