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ECE-410/NE-410 Weekly Schedule Fall 2023

Part I: Lectures, Past Videos, Reading assignments: Calendar Weeks 34-37
34L1: Read: \(\ \S \) 1.1 (Preface: pp vii-x; Ch 1: History pp 1-8);
2021Lec 1 (Starts @6:00 mins)
L2: Read: \( \S \) 1.2 (p. 8-11); F22 Aug 24, Lec 2;
2021 Video Lec 2 (Starts @14:00 mins)
L3: Read: \( \S \) 1.3 (p. 11-19); \(\S\) 9.1 p. 187-104; F22 Aug 26; Lec 3;
2021Lec 3
35L4: Read:Scott Ch. 12, \( \S \) 12.1 (p. 293-298); F22 L4 @5:30
Network Postulates?
Assignment: NS1: Due by Lec 11; (NS1.pdf?, pp. 150-151
Allen (2020); Solution: (NS1-sol.pdf?);
2021 Video: Lec 4
L5: Read: 2.1, .2 (p. 25-31, 189, 208); F22 Aug 31 @ 1:40;
Generic neurons (Scott: Fig. 2.1);
2021 Video: Lec 5 (@2:15m)
L6: Read: 2.2.2-.3 (p. 31-35) Nonlinear Diffusion lines (LTSpice):
F22, Lec6 @ 8:00 min
36Labor DayL7: Read: \(\S\) 2.3 (p. 35-40) Synapses & Gap junction;
2021Lec 7 (@1:00m)
L8: Read: \(\S\) 10-.1.2 AI models: (pp. 233-241), Neural Boolean Hilbert-space;
Discuss how solve NS1 problems;
2021Lec 8 (@4:00 m)
37L9: Read: \(\S\) 10.2 (p. 241-248),
2021 Video 9 (@0:37m)
L/WDDateDaily lectures
    Part I: Introduction and History
1/34M8/21L1: Introduction to Neuroscience for engineers; The role of H. von Helmholtz; Younger years, Dynamics of a Nerve Impulse,; von Helmholtz; history,
Virtual Rat:, computational models;
Thermodynamics of the Lungs (hypertension): SpO2, CO2 and O2 lung transport models + Basics;
A piece of thermodynamic history; Source of Hypertension; Theory of Hypertension; Arterial Pressure model
2W8/23L2: The structure of a nerve cell Video overview: Cell types, orgenells; Lectures: Cell Body, Neuron? Brain anatomy; Structures: Glia, DNA and Genetics, Quanta Magazine articles, Genes
3/F8/24L3: Dendritic trees \(\S\) 9.0, p. 187; Organization of the brain; Numbers and density of neurons in the human brain (p. 274); AI and brain waves; The making a brain map
4/35M8/28L4: The Hierarchical Nature of Brain Dynamics; Integration of the 5 main sensory inputs; Brain fumction and integration Orexin & the Theory of weight gain/loss
Assignment: NS1: Matlab homework on the diffusion and wave equations. Due by Lec 11; (pdf?), Postulates?
For a discussion of the solution method look at Book; \(\S\) 4.8.3 (pp. 143-147). A detailed example is discussed on pages 149-151;
5W8/30L5: The generic neuron; Action potentials; Voltage-gated membrane channels; Neuron?, Body; Σ-∆ codec,
6F9/1L6: Nonlinear diffusion model General solution ;NL-RC Neural Spike model (.cir)?; , using spice [.asc?];
The nonlinear diffusion line and why it acts as a delay line, Diode circuit model of spike propagation?, Results from circuit model?
Results of LT spice model from William Walters (HW6 4/6/21)?
Leading edge models: Chap. 5, p. 95;
NGspice, NGspice users manual (pdf)?, LTspice
-/36M9/4Labor Day (Holiday)
7W9/6L7: Chemical synapse, gap junction, Synapse, Neuron, types of Neurotransmitters, Spine complex
8F9/8L8: McCulloch-Pitts (MP) AI neuron (model), Model: pdf?;
\(\S\) 10.1.1-.2: (pp. 235-241) Boolean Hilbert space;
Dendritic Boolean logic (i.e., processing);Generalized scalar products (Allen book \( \S \) 3.5.1, Fig 3.4); Just how smart is AI?; , Basic brain anatomy, (pdf)?
; Deep-learning
Real neural networks; Water (Life?) on Mars (@7:02); The beginning of live on earth
9/37M9/11L9: Deep-learning concepts: STFT and fast convolution;? ConvNetJS discussion,
Discuss solution to trainmission problem
Assignment: NS2 (pdf?, (sol)?, Gscope, Due by Lec 14
Part II: Lectures, Videos, Reading assignments + videos: Calendar Weeks 37-41
37 L10: Read: \( \S \) 3, 3.1 (p. 49-53) Video Lec10L11: Read: \( \S \) 3.2 (p. 53-55) Solution: (NS1-sol.pdf?) Video Lec 11
38L12: Read: \( \S \) 3.3 (p. 56-57) Video Lec 12 (@1:25 min)L13: Read: \( \S \) 3.3.3 (p. 58-60) Video Lec 13 (Starts @ 2:30 12:19--13:19)L14: ''Read: \( \S \) 3.4 (p. 60-63) Membrane models Video Lec 14 (@1:30); NS2 due; (sol)?
39L15: Exam I moved to L23 Oct 13L16: Read: \( \S \) 3.5 (p. 63-65) Na & K pumps and Nernst potentials Lec16 (@3:00)
L17: Read: \( \S \) 4.1, (p. 67-69) Video Lec 17
40L18: Read: \( \S \) 4.1-4.2 (p. 70-74) Video Lec 18L19: Read: \( \S \) 4.3 (p. 74-77)
L20: Read: \( \S \) 4.4, 4.5 (p. 77-80) Lec 20 F20 @0:47;
41L21: Read: \( \S \) 3.4, 4.5.2, 4.6, (p. 80-87) Figs 4.5-4.8 Video L21L22: Read: §10 (p. 233-241); Review sol to NS3; NS3 dueL23:Exam I
L/WDDateDaily lectures
    Part II: Structure of a Neuron
10/37W9/14L10: Lipid bilayers and their electro/mechanical properties Lipid bilayers, Transport mechanisms, Fun with bubbles, AI and protein folding
11F9/16L11: Electrochemical properties of membranes; hemoglobum and oxyen transport; Hill function
See A.V. Hill Equation in biochemistry;
Blue whale's heart rate
Assignment: NS1 due, Solution: (NS1-sol.pdf?)
12/38M9/19L12: Transmembrane currents; Channels & types; Calculating partial pressures (It is an impedance calculation.)
13W9/21L13: Einstein's relation (1905-II) and its derivation Einstein's 4 papers in 1905 Basic Solutions, Numerical solutions;
System Postulates.pdf?
14F9/23L14: NS2 Due; NS2 Solution?
15/39M9/26L15: Move Exam I to Lec 23;
Compress/combine/reduce Lec 16-22; More on brain Assemblies (Ch 11); eye & ear & touch transduction
16W9/28L16: Ionic currents (conduction, diffusion currents), electrochemistry
Assignment: NS3 pdf?, Due by Lec 22 NS3 Solution?
17F9/30L17: Redox Resting potentials and pumps HH matlab model; Helmholtz measures velocity of spikes
18/40M10/2L18: Ch. 4,Squid Voltage patch clamp for single cell recording:
Hodgkin Huxley model: U Mich.s; Fine-tuning the HH model to work off the spike rising onset; HH model (matlab code);
Ion distribution during a spike; Neural oscillators
19W10/4L19:Adrian studies on the retina of the toad eye: Adrian and nerve pulses; first neural recording from toad eye (1928);
Allen lecture on Entropy
20F10/6L20:Critical point in nonlinear diffusion (cable) equation Brain Calculus, Muscle dynamics;
Neurological disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrom, Demylination disorders; Talk on neural regeneration Jan 25, NSP
21/41M10/9L21:Neural Signal processing: Nodes of Ranvier; Design of Neurons
Krebs cycle as the energy source; Mitochondrion
22W10/11L22:Neural Information processing: Read:\(\S\)9.1 (187-199, Fig. 9.1)
23F10/13L23: Exam I;
Read: \(\S\)10 (p. 233-241); NS3 due, NS3 Solution?
Part III: Lectures, Videos, Reading assignments + videos: Calendar Weeks 12-17
42L24: Read: Donald Hebb \(\S\)11 (pp. 17-19);
L25: Read: Cell-Assembly, \( \S \) 11-.3 (pp. 257-265) of word frequencies;
L26: Cell-Assembly and language hypothesis;
43L27: Zipf's log-linear Law;
L28: TBD
L29: Read: \( \S \) 10-10.1.1 (233-237), 11-11.2 (256-265)
44L30: Hypertension and its source:Read: \( \S \) 9.3.2, 10.1.2, 11.3: Dendritic Boolean logic
L31: cortex anatomy
Read: \( \S \) 10.2.2 (241-248)
L32: Molecular Transport; Protein creation;
Read: \( \S \) 9.3, 10.3 (248-252)
45L33: ;L34: Overview of Sensory systems (Hearing)
46L36: Exam II:
Rm 1015 ECEB; 4 to 8; Monday Nov 13
L37: Organ of Corti: The inner ear and its function:L38: Cochlear nonlinearities and its function: NL Cochlear processing (pdf)
Video on Cochlear Function Ashmore Lecture
47  Fall Break  
48L39: Sensory systems; Vrius; CrisperRead: \( \S \) 8.0-8.3 (165-169));
L40: AI's furure, AI darkside; Conscious;
Short term memory
Assignment: NS6 Due
L41: Amy Arnsten: Excutive Control, Abstract reasoning in the PreFrontalCortex
49L42: Koch on consciousness (@1:13), Giulio Tononi on Consciousness
L43 Review for final exam (Disc relevant and possible topics)Thur: Reading Day;

L/WDDateDaily Lectures
    Part III: Neuronal & Cell Assemblies
24/42M10/17L24: Information processing; Dendritic information processing; Dendritic logic processing (Ch 9; State machines & Branching rules in dendrites); Cell assemblies: Recent Evidence; , proteins; EM micrographs
Synaptic processing videos: Neural computation power, How brains learn, How networks learn: (Audio podcast 163): (no video) @1:00; Synaptic Information processing (Audio podcast 148): @0:16 (no video),
Backpropagation Methods for machine learning:; Hinton's BackProb Training ;
Assignment: Due by Lec 28; (NS4.pdf?; NS4-sol.pdf?)
25M10/16L25: (-->L27) Energy sources; mitrohcondrial membrane; Rebooting how cells remember structure: Levin lecture @4:39m; Levin: New Yorker article on his regeneration research:
26W10/18L26: (-->L25) Early Evidence for Cell Assemblies (Hebb) ; Brain facts
27/43M10/23L27: (-->L26) Zipf-Model?, ; Zipf's log-linear and the Brown Corpus; Zipf's word Brevity-law
28W10/25L28: NS3, NS4, Historical events
29F10/27L29: L29: Hyppocampus and memory; ; ,
Measures of inntelligence (IQ):
Mental images; Induced love between mice Limbic System?
Assignment: NS5, Due on L32 (pdf?, NS5-sol?)
30/44M10/30L30 How blood pressure works (video)), How the heart rate is regulated by the body (video),
Role of vital signs (pdf): , ,
; , ; VirtualRat Model
31W11/1L31: A:Brain Anatomy; B:Field Theories for the Neocortex \(\S 9.3\); Models of Brain Anatomy (Dynamics I-II)
Allen Inst video: 12 easy pieces: sentory systems;
; Friston Predictive model (pdf), claustrum (pdf), Limits of brain and muscle (pdf),; Senses of Orientation (NIH) (pdf),; Allen Inst Brain Atlas (pdf),;
Allen Inst Home Page; Lung alternatives;, Where does thirst come from? The Chinese room argument (pdf),
Neural Award;
32F11/3L32: Molecular transport: Allen-Inst vision, Drew Barry: DNA replication, Momecular motors: Now they work,
Switching attention in the brain: Michael Halassa: Talk @ Allen Inst,; Michael Halassa: Thalamic Switching, Central manimpulation of DNA to enhance memory,
The makeup of a virus: vurlient DNA, What is a virus;
33/45M11/6L33: Elements of sensory systems:Psychophysics of sound; Associative Network; Thought Koch: Information processing; Neuromorphic computing,
Assignment: NS6 due on Lec 37 (pdf?); NS5 Due
34W11/8L34: Overview on hearing: Speech and hearing science: Loudness and its JND; Sense of Touch and Heat; electronic odor (smell) sensors;
Jeremy Nathans: A complex speech task explained'; Fungi that explodes ants; Metathesis molecular metathesis synthesis
35F11/10L35: Topics on hearing: Speech and hearing science: The middle ear: Window to hearing ;
Effects of Negative Middle Ear Pressure on Wideband Acoustic Immittance in Normal-Hearing Adults, pdf
Otitis Media & hearing loss
36/46M11/13L36: Exam II;Rm 1015 ECEB; 4 to 8; Monday Nov 13
37W11/15L37: Auditory systems: the organ of Corti, hair cell transduction, Topics on hearing: Speech and hearing science: The inner ear (cochlea); Overview of inner ear function Cochlear modeling, "Cochlear micromechanics: A physical model of transduction"; Fahey & Allen 1985 (pdf);
, How we can see with our ears., ; An example of auditiory (neural) signal processing
38F11/17L38: Topics on hearing: Cochlear nonlinear in the auditory nerve: Transduction & the Organ of Corti, model of the organ of corti
brain map & meaning; circuit1?, circuit2?, SigmaDelta
    Fall Break (week 47)
39/48M11/27L39: Speech Demos
Virus, bacteria, antibodies, bacteriophages, organoids, and CRISPER (phage, Parasites, Organoids, CRISPER, New studies re weight loss
40W11/29L40: Allen speech feature research: Techniques and implications (e.g., cell assemblies) for speech recognition and Machine Learning,
Speech processing articles 1977-11: LiAllen.11.pdf, How do Humans Process Speech? 94, Raven88, Cochlear Micro-Mechanics 1980), STFT.77, NLCochSigProc-Springer
History of the perceptron (@ 3 or 8 mins);
Optional demo of Apple iPhone Speech recognition
41F12/1L41: Analogue vs Digital computing and their role in AI (@ 3:40),
Amy Arnsten: Excutive Control, Abstract reasoning and the role of spines in the PreFrontalCortex
42/49M12/4L42: Without a sense of history, we cannot understand, and there is no "consciousness.";
Christoph Koch on consciousness (@1:13), Giulio Tononi on Consciousness
43W12/6L43: Review for Final Exam (HWs)

-/49R12/7 Instruction Ends
 F12/8 Reading Day
~/50M12/11 Final Exam: Monday 7:00pm-10:00pm

 ||- || F || 5/?? ||  Backup: Exam III TBD+ PM on HW1-HW11atest>><<

L= Lecture #
T= Topic #
W=week of the year, starting from Jan 1
D=day: T is Tue, W Wed, R Thur, S Sat, etc.
Each exam (I, II and Final paper) will count as 30% of your final grade, while the Assignments (NS1-DE3) plus class participation (Prof's Discussion), count for 10%. Please return the final paper by the end of the exam period.

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