Last Modified : Sat, 03 Aug 24
Presentations, Proceedings and Thesis
Math articles
- NYTimes article on Women in Math, ICSC-29 Jul28,2024
Women in Mathematics
- Allen, Jont; IHS-23; Prague presentation & talk & video 2023(pdf)
- Allen, Jont; Mechanics of hearing, Denmark; July 29, 2022(Video of my presentation (50 min)
- Allen, Jont; UNS presentation, Univ of IL(Podium presentation Sep 30, 2022 (Slides))
publication (pdf)
- Allen, Jont; Wu, Yashuo; Lu, Jie; Johnson, C; (Jul, 2019). MARC, Springfield IL (pdf)
- Abavisani, Ali; Allen, Jont (May 2019); ``The Role of Cue Enhancement and Frequency Fine-tuning in Hearing Impaired Phone Recognition,'' ASA Louisville, TN (pdf)
- Wu, Yashuo; Lu, Jie; Johnson, C; Allen, Jont (2018). ASA Louisville KY (pdf), Hard words: Why arn't children learning to read? (url)
- Guo, Siyan; Allen, Jont (2018); ``Making effects on perceptual cues in hearing-impaired ears,'' ASA Louisville, KY (pdf)
- Lu, Jie (2018, Jul) ``Speech perception in children with reading disabilities,'' PhD Thesis Univ of IL, Urbana Champaign. pdf
- Abavisani, Ali; Allen, Jont (May 2018); ``Effects of Frequency Fine-tuning in Hearing impaired speech recognition,'' ASA Minn, MN (pdf)
- Guo, Siyan; Allen, Jont; Cole, Cliston (2018); ``Making effects on perceptual cues in hearing-impaired ears,'' IHCON-2018 pdf
- Wu, Yashuo; Lu, Jie; Johnson, Cynthia; Allen, Jont (2018). IHCON-2018 pdf
- Robinson, Sarah (2017) ``Effects of ear-canal geometry and middle-ear pressure on wideband acoustic reflectance,'' PhD Thesis Univ of IL, Urbana Champaign. pdf
- Cole, Cliston (2017, Jul12,17) On the effects of masking of perceptual cues in hearing-impaired ears, PhD Thesis Univ of IL, Urbana Champaign. pdf
- Allen, Jont B. (2017) ``History of the psychophysics of speech perception,'' Boston ASA, June 29, 2017 (pdf)
- Allen, Jont B. (2017) ``The Inverse Short-Time Fourier Transform (ISTFT) and its applications,'' Aug 2, 2017; ICTCA 2017 (URL, pdf, Demos.tgz)
- Allen, Jont B. (2017) ``Acoustic Metamaterials,'' Aug 3, 2017; ICTCA 2017 (URL, pdf)
- Sullivan, Christopher (2016). A high accuracy nonlinear model of the human cochlea, MS thesis
- Hoch, Matteo (2016). Webster horn equation for the Rydberg series, Senior Thesis pdf, UIUC Ideals
- Kim, Noori; Yoon, Yonglin and Allen, Jont (2015). 'The motional impedance as a unique characteristic of the anti-reciprocal system,' pdf
- Allen, Jont B and Robinson, Sarah (2015), 'Effects of static negative middle-ear pressure on wideband acoustic immittance' (pdf, pptx)
- Allen, Jont B (2015) 'Cochlear nonlinearities and phoneme recognition;' (Invited) Oldenburg Auditory-models workshop tgz (archive of pdf+mp4)
- Allen, Jont B (2015) Karl Kryter: The evolution of the Articulation Index, (Invited) ASA Meeting Pittsburgh PA, May 20, 2015 pdf
- Interspeech-2013 Lyon France Tutorial Lecture T4: Index of topics, Part I pdf, Part II pdf, Part III Cue-Modified speech Demos, Demo files
- Allen, Trevino (2013). Consonant confusions in normal and hearing impaired ears (Consonant Acoustic Feature Processing); Invited Tutorial on-line: Cochlear America (pdf)
- Trevino, A, Allen, Jont (2012) Individual Variance of Hearing Impaired Speech Perception, American Auditory Soc. (pdf)
- Allen, Trevino, Han (2012) Invited: Consonant errors in normal and hearing impaired ears (Consonant Feature Processing),]]''; WISA, India (pdf)
- Allen, Jont B, Trevino, Andrea, Han, Woojae (2012); "Speech perception in impaired ears," Presentation at the AG Bell Research Symposium, Scottsdale AZ, Jul 1; Volta Review, Vol 112(2), pp 156-166 (event,djvu,pdf, Presentation,doc)
- Allen, Jont and Han, Woojae, Aug 2011. Sources of decoding errors of the perceptual cues, in normal and hearing impaired ears, Invited ISAAR presentation (Allen Han, 2011 ISAAR, 2011 PDF;, Updated pdf)
- Allen, Jont, ;'Human phoneme recognition, (2011) pdf; ASA special Session on Speech Cues'' (SanDiego) organized by Jont B. Allen (Nov 1, 2011)
- Cvengros, Robert, Feb 11, 2011; MS Thesis (pdf)
- Han, Woojae; 2011; PhD Thesis (pdf)
- Li, Feipeng (2009); PhD Thesis pdf
- Allen, Jont , Li, Feipeng (2009); IEEE ASRU speech workshop (Merno Italy):
Invited Keynote: Cochlear non-linearities and phoneme recognition (Finding the features in individual consonants) pdf
- Regnier, Marion and Allen, Jont (2008); "Analysis of initial consonant features," ICASSP 2008 (Paris France) pdf
- Allen, JB, Li, F. Et Al. "Nonlinear cochlear signal processing and phoneme recognition," Mech. of Hearing Keele, 2008 djvu
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant Profiles for Individual Hearing-Impaired Listeners," Winter workshop in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
- Phatak, S. A., Yoon, Y.-S. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant profiles for Hearing-Impaired listeners," ARO Midwinter meeting, Denver, CO.
- Regnier, M., and Allen, J. B. "The importance of across-frequency timing co-incidences in the perception of some English consonants in noise," ARO Midwinter meeting, Denver, CO.
- Yapa, N. and, and Allen, J. B. "Human speech detection thresholds and pitch discrimination thresholds for narrow bands of speech in white masking noise," ARO Midwinter meeting, Denver, CO.
- Regnier, M., and Allen, J. B. “Perceptual cues of some CV sounds studied in noise”. AAS meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Regnier, M. MS thesis, Urbana IL. “Perceptual features of some consonants studied in noise” (pdf)
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant Profiles for Individual Hearing-Impaired Listeners," AAS meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant and vowel confusions in noise, and noise-robust perceptual features," Interspeech (ICSLP), Pittsburgh, PA.
- Lovitt, A. and Allen, J. B. "50 years late: Repeating miller-nicely 1955," Interspeech (ICSLP), Pittsburgh, PA.
- Lovitt, A. and Allen, J. B. "Using listener and talker variability to understand confusion patterns," IHCON, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Yoon, Y.-S. and Allen, J. B. "Signal-to-noise ratio loss and consonant perception in hearing impairment under noisy environment," IHCON, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Yoon, Y.-S., Gooler, D. M. and Allen, J. B. "The effect of noise vocoder signal processing on consonant recognition in normal hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, in noise," IHCON, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Lovitt, A., Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Interpreting consonant and vowel confusion functions using information-theoretic measures," ARO Midwinter meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Lovitt, A., Lobdell, B. and Allen, J. B. "Psychometric per utterance confusion patterns in listening experiments," ARO Midwinter meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Yoon, Y.-S. and Allen, J. B. "Snr-loss with hearing impaired ears," ARO Midwinter meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant-vowel interaction in context-free syllables," Aging and Speech Comm. conference, Bloomington, IN.
- Phatak, S. A., Lobdell, B. and Allen, J. B. "Measuring nonsense CV confusions under speech-weighted noise," ARO Midwinter meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Presentations 2015
- Allen, Jont B (2015) Karl Kryter: The evolution of the Articulation Index, ASA Meeting Pittsburgh PA, May 20, 2015 pdf
Presentations 2014
- Kim and Allen (2014) Historic transducers: Balanced Armature Receiver (BAR), ASA meeting INDY, IN, Oct 30, 2014 pdf
- AAS Tech-session (Allen et al) pdf
- AAS Robinson et al
- AAS Kim and Allen
Thesis 2014
- Trevino, Andrea (2013) Techniques for understanding hearing-impaired perception of consonant cues, PhD Thesis, pdf1, pdf2, official
- Scheidiger, Christoph (2014-01-16)
Effects of NAL-R amplification on consonant speech perception in hearing-impaired listeners, MS Thesis (pdf, official)
Presentations 2013
- Interspeech-2013 Lyon France Tutorial T4:
Tutorial Index of topics
Part I pdf
Part II pdf
Edited speech Demos
All-files (wav,video,demos)
- Allen et al, AAS Technical presentation on the application of acoustic reflectance to middle ear diagnostics (pdf)
Thesis 2013
- Robinson, Sarah (2013) Masters Thesis: "Characterizing middle ear reflectance via pole-zero fitting (pdf, official, pdf)
Thesis 2012
- Serwy, Roger (2012) Masters Thesis: "The limits of Brune’s impedance" (pdf)
Presentation 2011
- Allen, Jont and Han, Woojae (Aug 2011): ISAAR presentation (pdf)
Thesis 2011
- Cvengros, Robert (2011) "Masters Thesis" ()
- Han, Woojae (2011) "PhD Thesis" (pdf,IDEALS)
- Han, Woojae; "Methods for robust characterization of consonant perception in hearing-impaired listeners"(Offical Thesis)
Thesis 2010
- Menon, Anjali
- Yoon, Seok-Youn
- Singh, Riya
- Kapoor, Abhinauv (2010) "Masters Thesis" ()
- Jont B. Allen (2009). Time-domain Impedance, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Under Revision (Submitted 5/23/09) (draft-pdf)
Presentation 2009
- Allen, Jont and Li, Feipeng (Dec-2009): "Cochlear nonlinearities and phoneme recognition" files
- Pan, Len and Allen, Jont B. (2009) "Analysis of Vowels in Noise: Vowel Performance in Different SNR regimes," (pdf)
- Pan, Len and Allen, Jont B. (2009) "Entropy analysis of Vowel Errors: Relative Contributions of Talkers and Listeners," (pdf)
Thesis 2009
- Feipeng, Li (2009); PhD Thesis: "Perceptual cues of consonant sounds and impact of sensorineural hearing loss on speech perception," (pdf)
- Weece, Reggie (2009); MS THesis: "A study of the Radio EAR b71 bone driver transducer, and its calibration in the clinical setting," (pdf Δ)
- Pan, Len (2009); MS Thesis: "Analysis of human perception of vowels in quiet and in various noise spectra," (pdf)
Presentation 2008
- Regnier, Marion and Allen, Jont (2008); "Analysis of initial consonant features," ICASSP 2008 pdf
- Allen, JB, Li, F. Et Al. "Nonlinear cochlear signal processing and phoneme recognition," Mech. of Hearing Keele, 2008 djvu
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant Profiles for Individual Hearing-Impaired Listeners," Winter workshop in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Presentation 2007
- Phatak, S. A., Yoon, Y.-S. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant profiles for Hearing-Impaired listeners," ARO Midwinter meeting, Denver, CO.
- Regnier, M., and Allen, J. B. "The importance of across-frequency timing co-incidences in the perception of some English consonants in noise," ARO Midwinter meeting, Denver, CO.
- Yapa, N. and, and Allen, J. B. "Human speech detection thresholds and pitch discrimination thresholds for narrow bands of speech in white masking noise," ARO Midwinter meeting, Denver, CO.
- Regnier, M., and Allen, J. B. “Perceptual cues of some CV sounds studied in noise”. AAS meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Regnier, M. MS thesis, Urbana IL. “Perceptual features of some consonants studied in noise” (pdf)
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant Profiles for Individual Hearing-Impaired Listeners," AAS meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
Presentation 2006
- Grimault, N and McAdams, S. and Allen, Jont B. "Auditory scene analysis: a prerequisite for loudness perception," Book Title: "International Symposium Hearing Oldenburg Germany" Publisher Springer Eds: Kollmeier, Birger and Klump, Georg.
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant and vowel confusions in noise, and noise-robust perceptual features," Interspeech (ICSLP), Pittsburgh, PA.
- Lobdell, B. and Allen, J. B. "An information theoretic tool for investigating speech perception," Interspeech (ICSLP), Pittsburgh, PA.
- Lovitt, A. and Allen, J. B. "50 years late: Repeating miller-nicely 1955," Interspeech (ICSLP), Pittsburgh, PA.
- Lovitt, A. and Allen, J. B. "Using listener and talker variability to understand confusion patterns," IHCON, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Yoon, Y.-S. and Allen, J. B. "Signal-to-noise ratio loss and consonant perception in hearing impairment under noisy environment," IHCON, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Yoon, Y.-S., Gooler, D. M. and Allen, J. B. "The effect of noise vocoder signal processing on consonant recognition in normal hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, in noise," IHCON, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Lovitt, A., Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Interpreting consonant and vowel confusion functions using information-theoretic measures," ARO Midwinter meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Lovitt, A., Lobdell, B. and Allen, J. B. "Psychometric per utterance confusion patterns in listening experiments," ARO Midwinter meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Yoon, Y.-S. and Allen, J. B. "Snr-loss with hearing impaired ears," ARO Midwinter meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Presentation 2005
- Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "Consonant-vowel interaction in context-free syllables," Aging and Speech Comm. conference, Bloomington, IN.
- Phatak, S. A., Lobdell, B. and Allen, J. B. "Measuring nonsense CV confusions under speech-weighted noise," ARO Midwinter meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Lobdell, B., Phatak, S. A. and Allen, J. B. "A time-frequency representation of temporal modulations in critical bands for speech," ARO Midwinter meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Lobdell, B., Allen, J. B. "The relationship between the articulation index spectrogram and off-diagonal confusion matrix performance-intensity functions," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 1930 (2005), October 2005 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
- Allen, Jont B. (1996) "A review of active and passive basilar membrane cochlear mechanics."The Jol. of the Acoustical Society of Am. 99, 2582 (pdf)
Abstract: Since David Kemp first proposed the active model in 1979, the role of the outer hair cell (OHC) in basilar membrane (BM) mechanics has been hotly debated. In the ‘‘active’’ model view, the OHC modulates the motion of the BM traveling wave on a cycle‐by‐cycle basis, leading to a negative BM resistance and a traveling‐wave power gain. Nonlinearity is introduced by assuming that the negative BM resistance depends on the signal level. In the ‘‘passive’’ model view, the OHC controls the stiffness of the basilar membrane, leading to a level‐dependent (nonlinear) relative impedance between the BM and tectorial membrane and a nonlinear basilar membrane and transduction response. Both models seem to be able to achieve the important nonlinear variations in responses seen in the BM, OHC, IHC, and neural response, but with differing assumptions and degrees of physical reality. It is now clear that the OHC nonlinearly compresses both the dynamic range of basilar membrane motion (Rhode, 1971; Ruggero, 1990) and the neural response (Yates, 1989), extending the otherwise limited dynamic range of the IHC response. This role of the OHC may be quantified using psychoacoustic masking patterns, two‐tone suppression, loudness growth and recruitment, and OAEs as objective measures. (Publication pdf)
- Allen, J. B. and Fahey, P. F. (1992)Using acoustic distortion products to measure the cochlear amplifier gain on the basilar membrane;'J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92''' (1) pp 178-188, July, (pdf)
- J. B. Allen and S.T. Neely. (1992) "Micromechanical models of the cochlea" PhysicsToday, 45(7):40-47, (djvu)
Thesis 1991
- Puria, Sunil (1991). "A theory of cochlear input impedance and middle ear parameter estimation," pdf